We love to explore the boundaries of our areas of expertise. Sometimes our research and experimentation provides us with opportunities for interesting pictures. Such you will find here. This is not a page to get into the science, but to enjoy the sights of the journey.

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Sharpie is included for some sense of scale. Most of the photos here are not intended to illustrate size but rather to give some detail shots of an interesting process. This was a test piece. Jen cut a folded piece of aluminum like if you were to cut a piece of paper to make a paper snowflake. Then, of course, cut to fit the glass piece.

Detail shot to the right.

The turquoise piece has a snowflake cutout inclusion. The shape is actually the shape that is the center of the black piece. The reaction between the aluminum and the composition of the turquoise is quite interesting!

Created to be pendants to go with chain maille. The glass footprint is about 1" x 1.5", aluminum snowflake inclusion.

Strips of aluminum woven, then bits of copper added on top.

This was a test firing, so no real design planned. Bits of aluminum, little foot prints...then the strip of glass was slumped on the S-curve mold. Didn't take the picture to make it that apparent, but that is why the lighting is such on the piece. It isn't a flat rectangle. Testing how well the aluminum slumps.

Detail of the bits. We are loving the bubble action!

This was the same size of base glass as the footprint test piece. Used snowflakes and the snowflake cutout parts.

Detail of the snowflake cutout. Actually, the photo on the left is one of our favorite photographs.

FKA dish. FKA is "Formerly Known As" beverage bottles. Our process for transforming glass bottles into awesome things like dishes and jewelry.