The Bremerton Empty Bowl Fundraiser, 2013

Featuring 2 art glass kiln fired bowls. Our second year contributing we stepped up our game. One large 17" square glass vessel created by Jenifer Mistaria (and a small bowl to match it) and a 10" wavy dish created by Julie Mistaria. We donated an additional 2 dozen small bowls of original design by Mistarian Roses.

Click on the images to view a larger image.

"African Sands" commissioned by Around the Sound Construction to be an additional art piece for the fundraiser. Inspired by their stories of their trips to Africa, Jen pulled out the frit powder and made a gorrrrrrrgeous large square bowl!

Photo below is an in-progress shot.

Our "wavy dish" mold shapes an original purple and green closed basket weave created by Julie Mistaria. The Mistarian Roses art donation.

Basket weave technique means building the weave first by cleaning each strip, a half in square of clear between each strip (all sides) and building it directly onto the kiln shelf.

Julie does a second firing to contour fuse the open basket weave onto a piece of clear, essentially "closing" the weave. Super cool optical effect.

The second photo is after the first 2 firings, the piece goes in for the 3rd firing to slump it into the dish shape.

Some shots of our donated pieces. We didn't do the best job of photo-documenting this year...