"Because I Dream of Infinities"

Created by Julie Mistaria.

Click on the images to zoom.

This is the final photo. Continue on for the 'start' to finish progress photos and commentary.

This is available for purchase. $1,600.

I started by cutting the rings out of glass. Have to make 2 - because I'm using 3mm clear glass. And because I want to include copper punch outs. Rings ~12 inch outer diameter, 10 inch inner diameter.

I punched out each circle of copper by hand and placed them by hand...to measure relatively consistent spacing, I used a Popsicle stick (those ones you buy in craft stores). Ended up with 69 copper circles.

I wanted a center coil the strength of steel, but the color of copper...so that meant cutting a steel coil and wrapping it in what copper wire I had. I didn't like the first one, so I did this twice. Something in the neighborhood of 26 or 28 gauge wire. TINY wire.

And then I had to wrap the wrapped coil in maille. I think I counted 136 rings... this is a slightly modified Helm weave.

And for the center bead, I chose a gorgeous simple cut Amazonite bead. Because. Amazonite loves to be paired with copper and it said so. :)

This photo is me thinking I wanted to make the "body" of the piece to be a number of Helm "spokes" to match the Helm of the center piece.

So here are the spokes. Laying flat. NOT how I was picturing it when I held it up. I know I could do the math... as chain maille is a mathematical process of inner diameters interacting with wire diameters and how the rings are placed within the space of the rings...but I did not want to "do the math" and have the result tell me I couldn't do what I wanted to do. So...next idea!

And I decided on the traditional European 4-in-1. Briefly, it is the most common weave you will see in armor (yes..I do watch movies solely for playing the "spot the maille" game!!). I am not sure why I decided to combine the Bright Aluminum with the Copper square wire rings... was what I had on hand the most? (though the design did require an emergency ring purchase).

Making progress...

Almost there!!! (top)


Am I done yet?? (bottom)

Working out how to attach the European 4-in-1 with Helm segments. Again, not doing math..trial and error because. Well. Because!!

Hanging in the studio! The more 'pro' photo is at the top of this page... but here is the proof it does hang! The hanging "fringe" that isn't fringe are more Helm segments with copper scales and more Amazonite!

How long did it take to create this piece?

This piece took a month to create. I haven't seen anyone do this before in the manner in which I was building it - so I didn't have any path/existing methodologies to follow. I had the separate bits...but not put together like this.

Will you do more/another?

Not likely...