A Good Friend's House Warming

Created by Julie Mistaria.

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Mr. and Mrs. J have commissioned us to create something with the bottles from their good friends' favorite wine. We have never worked with this label before. The logo is painted on - indeed, the paint can very easily be removed with a razor blade. This paint could possible burn off, or could possibly turn all white. We are processing the first bottle as a test. When encountering "labels" similar to this, we apply a product called 'devit spray'. Well, it is applied with a brush - not sprayed on. It is a solution of clear glass powder, water and a mild adhesive. We are doing our, what has become, traditional cut off the top and bottom to be incorporated into the post-processing object.

Where it begins. Well, after the contents are consumed :)

Julie created 2 bottle sun catchers using mini vodka bottles and one sun catcher with the bottle bottom.

Sun catcher 1 named "Peace"
Sun catcher 2 named "Live Life"

The bottom of the bottle has an interesting pattern.

Detail shot of the label. We don't know if it will stay, burn off, or change colors.

The bottom and top of the bottle - this is on the thick-walled side of things. The color is a nice olive tone, too.

Also not seen before is the height of the bottle bottom and the shape is more square-ish than we have seen yet.

Bottle devit painted and ready for firing in the kiln!

The fused bottle, with its top and bottom.

Detail shot of that interesting bottom after full fuse.

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