The Bremerton Empty Bowl Fundraiser, 2012

Featuring an art glass kiln fired bowl. This was our first year donating to the event.

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I remembered when I walked into the Bremerton Foodline office to give them this bowl. "We have an ART DONATION!" They were so excited that I brought an art donation I truly couldn't wait to actually go to the event to see what it was all about.

This piece was created from a red/clear swirly glass with pure, glossy black borders. Slumped into one of our favorite molds, the origami bowl mold. The mold folds the square piece of glass into this gorgeous shape.

The swirls make each piece we make one of a kind. In fact, we loved this combo so much we did make a second bowl, with its own unique swirl pattern, of course!

Studio "action" shot. In response to our stating we are glass artists, often we hear "I want to come watch you blow glass!" We are kiln-formed glass artists and here is one of the "action" shots. Cool